
A fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library that handles animations and Ajax requests.

A Message for jQuery Learners
  • This lesson uses JavaScript version ES5.
  • Before starting this jQuery lesson, we recommend completing the ES5 lesson.


jQuery I Estimated 2h25m


jQuery is an easy-to-use JavaScript library that lets you add animations to your web page. We'll be learning the basics of the library in this lesson. ※ This lesson uses JavaScrip...


jQuery II Estimated 2h15m


In this lesson, we'll be using the basics of jQuery we learned in the previous lesson to make a feature-rich, modern web site. ※ This lesson uses JavaScript version ES5.


jQuery I Estimated 1h30m


jQuery doesn't require much memorization. It's best to just get familiar with it as you use it. We'll master the fundamentals of jQuery in this...


jQuery III Estimated 4h30m


Learn new jQuery methods and techniques while combining the JavaScript and jQuery from previous lessons to make fun and useful features! ※ This lesson uses JavaScript version ES5.

Start the lesson from the initial state.
Warning: your code will be deleted.

Review the lesson without
resetting your code.